School Social Work Association of Nebraska
(Revised November 2022)
Article I: Official Title
The name of the organization shall be the School Social Work Association of Nebraska, hereafter referred to as SSWAN.
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of the School Social Work Association of Nebraska is to promote professional excellence among school social workers in an effort to enhance the well-being of students, families and community within the educational system.
Specifically, the purpose of SSWAN is:
1. To encourage the continued development of school social work services in Nebraska.
2. To interpret school social work, its professional base, its practice, and its function to the educational community, and the community at large.
3. To encourage dialogue amongst school social workers throughout the state and with other disciplines within the community at large.
4. To network with state and local organizations which share concerns about the health, education, and safety of the residents of Nebraska.
5. To maintain liaison relationships with state and national associations, organizations and educational institutions whose purpose includes the education and development of children.
6. To provide continuing education opportunities for school social workers and other human service professionals.
This organization is organized exclusively for educational within the meaning of *Section 501(c)(6)* of the Internal Revenue Code.
Article III:Membership
Section I. Eligibility
1. Regular Membership—Individuals must hold a minimum of Bachelor’s degree from an approved school of social work and be employed in school social work.
2.Associate Membership-(teachers, administrators, counselors, psychologists, and consultants) in the field of education and for social workers practicing in settings other than school social work. All rights, privileges, and obligations pertaining to membership apply also to membership except for voting or holding office.
3. Retired Membership—All retired school social workers are eligible for membership. All rights, privileges, and obligations pertaining to membership shall apply. They shall be declared honorary members without due obligations.
4. Student Membership—All junior college, college and graduate students interested in the field of school social work shall be eligible for membership. All rights, privileges, and obligations pertaining to membership shall apply with the following exceptions: a. Dues shall be one-half regular membership, b. Ineligible to vote or hold office.
Section II. Dues
Dues for membership shall be fixed by the Executive Board. Dues cover membership from August 1 to August 31st the following year. Membership must be paid in full by September 30th, or are subject to an increased fee of $5.00, starting October 1st.
Article IV: Officers
Section I.
The officers of the School Social Work Association of Nebraska shall be President, President-Elect or Past President, Member at Large, Secretary and Treasurer. These Officers shall constitute the Executive Board.
Section II. Nominations, Elections and Terms of Office
A. Nominations and Elections: Nominations will be accepted during the month of March by the Association President. Elections will be held by ballot at the last meeting of the school year or by majority vote of the membership via e-mail. Ballots will be sent out and counted by the Association President. Membership will be notified of election results in a timely manner. Officers shall be elected from among the members of SSWAN with at least one year membership.
B. Terms of Office: The term of office for President shall be for two years at the beginning of the school year. Secretary and Treasurer will be elected / re-elected every two (2) years. The terms for Past President, President Elect, and Member at Large will serve one (1) year terms at the beginning of the school year.
Section III. Removal of Officers
A. Removal of Officers. For due cause, officers shall be removed from office at any meeting of SSWAN by a three/fourths vote of members present. Such intent must have been submitted to the Executive Board by a SSWAN member in writing at least ten days prior to the Board meeting. If further action is needed, it will go to a general membership vote and all members will be notified of such intent. Due cause shall include, but not be limited to, nonattendance at SSWAN meetings and SSWAN functions, failure to fulfill responsibilities of office, or unethical professional conduct.
Section IV. Duties of the Executive Board / Officers
A. President. The duties of the president shall include:
1. Prepare agendas for and chair all SSWAN meetings.
2. Accept resignations and seek officers to fill unexpired terms.
3. Serve as official representative of SSWAN.
4. Serve as liaison to the Midwest School Social Work Council.
5. Generate State Report Annually for MSSWC.
6. Accept election nominations; develop ballot roster, disseminate and collect ballots and report election results to membership.
7. Assist with Committees
B. President-Elect. The duties of the President-Elect shall include:
1. Consult with the President.
2. Assume duties of the President should the President be unable to assume them.
3. Must attend Member Meetings, Board Meetings, Executive Board Meetings, and Midwest.
4. Serve as liaison to the Midwest School Social Work Council
5. Assist with Committees
6. Coordinate School Social Worker of the Year nominations
6. Assume other duties as assigned.
7. Schedule SSWAN Meetings for following Year
C. Past President. The duties of the Past President shall include:
Must be a current active member of SSWAN during term.
Must have completed full two year term as President.
Provide consultation to new officers as needed.
Monitor committee work and provide consultation as needed to committees.
Must attend Member Meetings, Board Meetings, Executive Board Meetings, and Midwest.
Coordinate School Social Worker of the Year nominations
Assume other duties as assigned.
D. Member at Large. The duties of the Member at Large shall include:
Must be a current active member of SSWAN at time of nomination and during term.
Active participant in SSWAN meetings and on Board.
Serve as tie breaker for the executive board if needed.
E. Secretary. The duties of the Secretary shall include:
1. Maintain a record of all SSWAN proceedings.
2. Maintain Google Drive.
3. Maintain an up-to-date email list of membership.
4. Make approved changes to the Constitution.
5. Send out calendar invites for meetings
6. Assume other duties as assigned.
F. Treasurer. The duties of the Treasurer shall include:
1. Establish appropriate accounts in the names of the SSWAN.
2. Maintain accurate records of all accounts of SSWAN.
3. Provide a written financial statement of SSWAN semi-annually.
4. Maintain an up-to-date list of paid memberships.
5. Disburse funds as directed by the SSWAN Board.
6. Assume other duties as assigned.
G. Post Secondary Educational Representative(s).
1. Terms of Office-Term shall be for a minimum of 2 years.
2. The Educational Representative(s) shall attend all state association meetings to the best of his/her ability.
3. The Educational Representative(s) shall attend all SSWAN Board Meetings as a non-voting member to the best of his/her ability.
4. The Educational Representative(s) shall attend a minimum of 1 Midwest Council Meeting each year during his/her 2 year term.
5. The Educational Representative(s) position shall have voting privileges at the Midwest Council meeting(s).
H. Volunteer Consultant.
1. Terms of Office-Term shall be for a minimum of 1 year and filled at the discretion of the Executive Board.
2. The Volunteer Consultant shall attend all SSWAN Board Meetings to the best of his/her ability.
3. The Volunteer Consultant shall attend all state association meetings to the best of his/her ability.
*The role of the University Educational Representative and Volunteer Consultant may be dually filled by one individual if voted on by the association members.
F. Committee Heads. The duties of the Committee heads shall include:
1. Upkeep role/responsibility for specific committee
2. Attend regular board meetings
3. Schedule and attend regular committee meetings
4. Update committee website page and committee google folder
5. Maintain list of committee members
6. Creation and Implementation of goals and objectives for committee for current year
7. Assume other duties as assigned
Article V: Meetings
Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised shall be the authority governing all matters of procedure not otherwise covered in this Constitution and Bylaws.
Section I. Meetings.
SSWAN shall meet regularly August through May and as needed during the summer months.
Section II. Time and notice.
The SSWAN officers shall determine dates and locations of meetings. Notification of next meeting date will be included in the Secretary’s minutes.
Article VI: Amendment to Constitution
The Constitution may be amended at the April meeting of SSWAN or at a special meeting called for this purpose.
Article VII: Ratification of Constitution
This Constitution and Bylaws shall be accepted and shall become effective upon a two-thirds majority vote of the Membership at the May meeting or at a special meeting called for this purpose.
Article VIII: Dissolution of SSWAN
In the event that the School Social Work Association of Nebraska is dissolved, all available funds will be dispersed for the promotion and development of school social work to a non-profit fund, foundation, or corporation which has established its tax exempt status under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code (9/88).
Nebraska School Social Work Association of Nebraska By-Laws
(Created 2023)
Article I: Amendment of By Laws
These by-laws may be amended or added to by a consensus of the Board and reported back at the next regular membership meeting.
Article II: Membership Dues
Dues shall be set by the Board for all categories of members and noted in the minutes of the meeting of the Board.
Article III: Fiscal Responsibility
All funds accruing to the School Social Work Association of Nebraska from dues and all other sources shall be paid or relayed to the Treasurer, who will deposit it in an Association account in a local bank, approved by the Board.
When a new Treasurer and President begin their terms, the previous Treasurer, new Treasurer, and President will visit the bank to change the records at the bank to show such changes. The Secretary will provide meeting minutes to reflect these changes to be provided to the bank.
Article IV: Expenses
Previously or currently approved by the board include:
School SW member recognition
Free SSWAN membership to board members
$50 gift card to board members
$50 given to BYOB speakers
Summer meeting: Lunch provided & gas stipend (if traveling more than 50 miles)
Plaques for: School social worker of the year, legislator of the year, friend of school social worker.
Retirement recognition gift
Pay travel, lodging, food, and registration for the School Social Worker of the Year to attend the fall Midwest Council conference in the.
Pay travel, lodging, food and registration for 2 SSWAN Board Members to attend the MW Fall conference and council meetings.
Pay travel, lodging, food and registration for 3 SSWAN Board Members to attend Spring MW council meeting
$500 worth of scholarships for members to attend conferences or pay for memberships, allowed up to $125 per person
Monthly Google Office Space charge
SSWAA Affiliate Fees ($100-150) and Liability Insurance Dues for each regular member
Annual Midwest Council Dues
Paypal fees
Secretary of State Non Profit Charges as Needed (i.e. Change of Agent)
Committee budgets approved by the board
Expenses incurred by SSWAN Board and Officers for board-approved attendance at National or Midwest meetings, not covered by professional development resources or Midwest School Social Work Council shall be reimbursed by the association. Using the current federal reimbursement rate for mileage. Food and drinks are capped at $53 a day. Members will not be reimbursed for alcohol.
Other expenses incurred by SSWAN members will be approved by 2 Board members, reimbursement requests shall be submitted in a timely manner.
Article V: Continuing Education Units
SSWAN shall provide multiple opportunities per year for members to receive CEU’s through the Fall retreat, webinars, and Spring Conference. SSWAN will adhere to the continuing education requirements for social work and mental health practitioners as established in the Nebraska Statute Laws and Regulations.
SSWAN Board will determine costs of conferences and Continuing Education with input from the conference committee.
Article VI: Committees
The following are current SSWAN committees: Legislative, Conference, Engagement (LINK timeline and responsibilities)
Committee members must be current SSWAN members in good standing
Committee chairs will provide the board with a proposed budget by November for board approval.